snowy mountain

Protein Chocolate Chip Cookies

To be honest, these just taste like protein powder the night you make them, so if you’re going for instant gratification, choose a different cookie recipe. BUT, the next day, these cookies have transformed into normal great-tasting chocolate chip cookies with a sneaky good level of protein! Substantial amount, even, if you plan on more than one, which I always do… for a more snack-y and/or a gluten free version, see my Mini Protein Cookies recipe here.

Total time: 30 min. Makes about 15 extra-large cookies.

Materials: Mixing bowl; measuring vessels; cookie or toaster tray. Missing materials or ingredients? Look here.

Ingredients (Substitutions):

  • 1 stick butter, softened
  • 1 tbsp cashew butter
  • ½ cup brown sugar, packed down (120g)
  • ⅓ cup granulated sugar (66g)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • ½ tsp salt (omit if your protein powder is salty)
  • 64 grams protein powder
  • 90 grams (~¾ cup) all purpose flour
  • ½ tsp baking powder
  • ¼ tsp baking soda
  • Chopped chocolate (I like dark chocolate) and/or mini chocolate chips +/- (recommend) oats


  1. Preheat oven to 350˚F.
  2. In a mixing bowl, mix together the 1 stick of butter, 1 tbsp cashew butter, ½ cup packed brown sugar, and ⅓ cup granulated sugar to a smooth paste.
  3. Mix in the 1 egg and 1 tsp vanilla and optional ½ tsp salt.
  4. Mix in the 64 grams protein powder.
  5. In a measuring cup, mix together the ~¾ cup all purpose flour, ½ tsp baking powder, and ¼ tsp baking soda. Add this to the wet ingredient bowl.
  6. Add in chocolate and oats as desired.
  7. Roll into balls and bake at 350˚F for ~20 min. These will be pretty pale even when cooked through, so don’t over-bake!

Greetings from our kitchen!

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