snowy mountain


Welcome to the blog part of the website! Here I post race reports, injury tips I’ve learned over the years, and some other commentaries.

Marin Ultra Challenge 50k 2024

TARC Stone Cat Trail Festival 50 Miler 2023

Pilgrimman Half Aquabike 2023

Core Essentials

Lake Sonoma 50 Miler 2023

Training Zones

Mammoth Trail Fest 50k 2022

Ironman 70.3 Santa Cruz 2022

Marin Ultra Challenge 50 Miler 2022

Knee Pain

Escape From Alcatraz Triathlon 2021

Road Bike Everest 2021

Road Bike Basecamp 2021

Ironman Canada 2019

Head of the Charles Regatta 2016

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