Here are some breads! If you’re looking for sourdough, head over to my Sourdough Breads page. A couple general notes on bread making:
- I picture the kneading process as a way to mix together all the ingredients. It is important in yeasted breads to develop the gluten quickly, whereas in sourdoughs the dough is stretched and folded many times throughout the long rise.
- These doughs shouldn’t get so heavy with flour that they are difficult to knead. They should generally be soft and moldable (and sometimes sticky).
- Usually it will take more than one try to get a bread right, so be patient and keep trying! Failures are fun too (see my Instagram @endurance_baking highlights for some of my disasters!).
- Sourdough is just a type of yeast, so any sourdough recipe can work with commercial yeast and any yeast recipe can work with sourdough as long as the dough texture is right and you adjust rising times (sourdough takes longer to rise). Have fun experimenting! I’ve made my Ciabatta and Focaccia without sourdough (just yeast), so check those recipes out too!